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Can I create a URL for a specific timestamp?

Yes! You can now share an episode URL that links to a specific time within that episode! You no longer need to share a link and tell people to skip ahead to a certain point!

Pro Tip: Using this feature along with your Chapter Markers can make for some awesome social media promotional content!

How to Create a URL with a Timestamp

Go to your Buzzsprout website and click on the episode you want to share.
CleanShot 2021-09-09 at 16.10.25@2x.png Click the link icon below the player and you should see a popup box to select the time for your timestamp.
Just select Start at, then put in your desired timestamp, and click Copy.
CleanShot 2021-09-09 at 16.11.45@2x.png Now you will have the URL to that specific timestamp copied! Just share that via social media or directly with listeners. When they use that link they will go straight to that timestamp and will just need to hit play!  And, you can make as many custom links as you need!

If you run into any issues with this, shoot us an email at and we can help!