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How do I cancel my Buzzsprout account?

Canceling a Podcast

We hate to see you go, but we've made canceling your account super easy. If you have any questions or concerns please shoot us an email at
  1. Go to the Settings menu in your Buzzsprout account
  2. Click on the Cancel/Redirect option
  3. Review the Terms of Cancelation and check the box
  4. Click Delete this Podcast and ALL its Data Now
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Deleting Multiple Podcasts

If you are deleting multiple podcasts that are all linked to the same account then you’ll need to delete each podcast individually.

Warning! Deleting your podcast is permanent and cannot be reversed!

Deleting your podcast from Buzzsprout will: 
  • Delete your episodes from your directories including Apple Podcasts
  • Delete your RSS feed and all its data
  • Delete all your analytics from within your Buzzsprout account
  • Cause you to lose all of your subscribers/Followers
  • Result in the removal of your listings from all the podcast directories
  • End the subscriptions of any Supporters through Buzzsprout Subscriptions
Once deleted, your podcast cannot be recovered. Before canceling we highly recommend that you make sure you have a backup of all your podcast data. 

Removing Your Listings

If you have submitted your podcast to any of the major listings then your episodes will be removed over time when your account is canceled, but if you want to speed up this process you will want to reach out to those directories and request an immediate removal. You can find those contacts here: Directory Contacts